
Gleitbau GmbH

Itzlinger Hauptstraße 105
A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

Tel.: +43 (0)662 / 42 04 52
Fax: +43 (0)662 / 42 04 58

Company-related data

Commercial register number: FN 317824p
Competent court for commercial register matters: Regional Court for Civil Law Matters Landesgericht Salzburg, Austria
Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Section Salzburg
VAT identification number: ATU 6447 8336
CEO: DI Alexander Kreiner

Copyright: All contributions appearing on the Gleitbau website are protected by copyright. All rights, including translations, are reserved. Reproduction of any kind, whether in the form of photocopy or copying on CD-ROM, may be made only with the written consent of Gleitbau GmbH.

Links to other websites:
Gleitbau GmbH expressly emphasises that it has no influence whatsoever on the design of third-party websites and can therefore assume no responsibility for the content of those websites to which links are provided here.


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